Thursday, November 4, 2010


Why hello there! Yes, I do still exist. And no, I haven't totally abandoned the blog! (even though it totally looked like it for a while)

I just needed to take a break. A BIG break. From thinking about the wedding. And the wedding was too emotionally fraught for me to really talk about it or do too many recaps about deep things. In all honesty, I'm not ready to share all I think about the wedding. Partially because I'm still working on what I think but mostly because I know some of what I think and I'm still dealing with it.

Because the wedding was great and I'm glad we did it. But it was not the best day of my life. And that is hard to come to terms with.

I do get giant fuzzies in my tummy though when I think about standing up there during the ceremony with my darlin. And sometimes, when we are just hanging out, Brett will get this big, silly grin on his face and he'll say, "You looked so beautiful that day."

And honestly - that makes it all worth it. To hear those words here and there, scattered through my future will make it all worth it.

Oh, and I kinda do plan on letting this blog slowly fade. But I wanna start a new, non wedding focused blog. Wanna know the only thing holding that up? I can't come up with a freakin NAME! I know right. Silly! So I'm waiting for inspiration to come to me on that but also enjoying a break from blog land. There were some things I neglected while immersed in blog land... :)

But its been about a month and I thought I'd throw a line out there and let you know I haven't (totally) abandoned blog land...hopefully you haven't abandoned me!



  1. hi! welcome back! glad to know youre not gone & looking forward to the new blog!!!

  2. I'm still here too- reading, occasionally commenting, rarely blogging.
    Hmmm, blog names. I have such a difficult time writing subject lines for emails (the serious or professional ones). For emails to friends and family and blog post titles, I always use song lyrics. Maybe you could keep your ears open for a line in a song or a poem to name your new blog.
    I'm glad you're sticking around!

  3. I totally understand the putting off of things til you find a good name. I have a website that took me a while YEAR to start because I couldn't decide on a name. I put much less effort into my blog name, but still.... Names are hard, especially because I tend to over think and ver analyze things. :)

    PS. I really like how your dress turned out! :)

  4. Haven't abandoned you. Reading through all the other blogs of recently wed ladies, you are definitely not alone in still working through your emotions and feelings about the wedding day. It seems to be a pretty universal thing.

    Let us know when you've got the new blog up and running!

    And sorry I will miss you guys in Minneapolis this weekend for the APW meetup. First I had to work, but then my fam scheduled my grandfather's funeral for tomorrow. So I'm in Florida for the weekend. Have fun! I'll try to make the next one.

  5. Don't worry about the break...can't wait to see the new blog and read your non-wedding thoughts, lady.

  6. yay! good to know! This is good encouragement to work a little harder and put together my new blog! thanks, all!

  7. abandon you? hell to the yea right!

    i actually thought of you on my drive home and how i should pop my head in and say hello!


  8. Hurrah for RSS readers. Take all the time you need and share whatever you feel comfortable sharing. I am definitely interested in hearing more about how the wedding was emotionally fraught.
