Tuesday, August 17, 2010


I'm losing my mind. The 28th is coming up so fast, there is so much to do, and I'm going through emotions like a hungry hungry hippo. (what, that doesn't make sense!?) Sunday was just pure joy. Monday was annoyance and a little bit of rage. Today is tired.

But through it all, I'm so excited to marry my man! I love him so much and I'm so lucky he loves me. How does such a thing happen? seriously


  1. The rollercoaster of emotions sounds like it would be draining. I totally understand why you are tired.

    But you are so close! Yay! I'm excited that you are excited to marry your love.

  2. I think the hungry hungry hippos thing makes a lot of sense, actually. If I recall correctly, those hippos lunge chaotically and erratically towards little white pellets, which I can totally see as a metaphor for home-stretch wedding details.
